Der Deutsche Strassen Verkehr fur verkehr und wirtschaft, Vol 8 August 1955
Original copy here: https://dkwautounionproject.blogspot.com/2020/06/1955-review-awz-p70.html
German road traffic for traffic and economy
The passenger car program of our vehicle industry has so far been based on developments from the period before the war. Vehicle selection was limited to the IFA F8, IFA F9 and EMW, which is still building sport-cabriolets and sport-coupes. The F8 in particular was often criticized because it has been remained almost unchanged for decades (see “Der Deutsche Straßenverkehr "4/54 p. 113, under the title" F8 modernization").

These criticisms of our vehicle industry have been successful. VEB kraftfahrzeugwerk Audi, Zwickau (Saxony) is now bringing out its new type, the P70 Zwickau, which represents a really modern small car. The designation P70 means that it is a passenger car with an engine of 700ccm displacement. A type K70 "Tourist" (‘Kombi’ station wagon with 700ccm engine displacement) is planned for the future.

The P70 is an elegant, shapely, spacious pontoon wagon. The most revolutionary innovation is the body, which is made of plastic. This thermoset construction technique offers considerable advantages. For instance, this material minimizes body noise, is heat-insulating and corrosion-resistant. Due to its elasticity, it has high impact strength. There is no damage in the event of a load which would dent sheet steel. In the event of severe damage, the molded part can be simply replaced with a new one. Minor damage can be repaired by cutting out the damaged part and a new plastic sheet is fitted in.
The painting is carried out like a steel body. The use of a pontoon body style results in good interior space. For example, the front seats have an elbow width of 1300 mm, while in the F8 it is only 1000mm.

The car is equipped with a maintenance-free, individual wheel suspension at the front and a floating axle at the rear. The front and rear suspension is provided by transverse springs. These have been further developed and re-dimensioned, becoming considerably better as a result. The wheelbase has been shortened to 2380 mm, which means that the transverse torsional vibrations have been reduced and better road holding achieved. Despite this shortened wheelbase, the seating between the axles is excellent, as the twin-cylinder two-stroke engine is placed transversely in front of the axle. All parts of the engine are easily accessible. The two-cylinder motor has three transfer ports with reverse scavenging and flat-topped pistons. The bore is 76 mm, as is also the stroke and generates 22 HP. The compression ratio is 1:7. The 10 percent increase in engine output compared to the F8 also enables the gear ratios to be changed, which increases both the engine’s service life and reduces the amount of gas consumed. The speed of the engine is now only 3925 rpm at 80 km/h. In the case of the F 8, the motor turns at 4120 rpm at this speed.
The engine is water-cooled. The vehicle has battery ignition, and the alternator and starter are 12 Volt.

The transmission has 3 gears and reverse gear with freewheel. The multi-disc clutch runs in an oil bath. Wheel size is 5.00 x 16. The handbrake acts on the rear wheels, while the footbrake is designed as a mechanical duplex four-wheel brake. The track width is 1190mm at the front, 1500mm at the rear, and the height is 1430mm. With a permissible load of 320 kg, the total weight is 1120 kg. The turning circle diameter is about 10m. Top speed of the P70 is 90 km/h. The standard fuel consumption as specified by the factory is 7 litres per 100 km.
The large, undivided, curved windshield and a rear window that extends around the entire rear side of the cabin exemplify modern constructional trends.
A defrosting device on the windshield and heater are standard. In the dashboard there is space for a radio set.
The spare wheel is in a separate lockable compartment under the trunk. Tire changes are therefore quick and easy, without having to unpack and put away the luggage.

The plastic Duroplast body is a tried and tested, fully developed product and has been extensively tested over years in the laboratory and in practical driving tests, withstanding the toughest of stresses. It was exposed to all weather conditions and buried in the earth for a long time. In all these tests it was apparent that these conditions did not damage the plastic "Duroplast” in any way. The test vehicles covered more than 100,000 km under all road weather conditions.
Finally, a critical remark: The interior could be improved if, not only our vehicle industry, but also the accessories industry endeavors to develop modern accessories for the new vehicles.
In conclusion, it can be stated that the Audi works in Zwickau have brought out a modern vehicle with the P70, which has quickly made many friends in the GDR. Sales successes will certainly also be achieved on the world market.
We hope to be able to send our readers a detailed review of the P 70 later.
AWZ P70 Owners manual: https://dkwautounionproject.blogspot.com/2018/04/1959-awz-p70-zwickau-drivers-manual.html
AWZ P70 Special tools: https://dkwautounionproject.blogspot.com/2022/01/special-tools-for-prewar-f8-and-awz-p70.html