Tuesday 2 October 2018

1955 CIA Report VEB Industriewerke Ludwigsfelde

CIA Information Report
Country: East Germany
Subject: VEB Industriewerke Ludwigsfelde: Production, Personnel, Technical Specifications
Date Distribution: 12 July 1955
No. of Pages: 3
Date of Info: Redacted
Place Acquired: Redacted

This is UNEVALUATED Information

Introduction is redacted

1. Production of VEB Industriewerke, Ludwigsfelde
The principal products of the plant and their destination (where known) are as follows:

a) Diesel Trolleys (Dieselameisen)

The motors for these trolleys were supplied by VEB Phaenomen KraftfahrzeugWerk, Zittau, as of 19 February 1955.

b. D 2500 diesel engines (formerly KVD25)

Parts produced in the various shops are sent to Shop No. 9 to be assembled into small technical units.

c. Pitty motor cycles

Motors are produced by VEB Motorradwerk, Zschopau. The first 90 machines were delivered to the HO (state-owned shops) on 14 February 1955.

d. Autocycle motors

Parts are delivered to VEB Messgeraete- und Armatuerwerk “Karl Marx”, Magdeburg, where they are assembled. Production will be continued only until the end of the second quarter of 1955.

e. “Jumo 205” engine parts

Parts are delivered to VEB Rosslauer Schiffswerft.

f. Cylinder sleeves for aircraft engines
These are exported directly to the USSR.

2. Total 1954 production figures for diesel trolleys and motor scooters were as follows:
Plan Actual
Diesel trolleys 500 392
Pitty motor scooters 5,500 125
Parts for an additional 625 motor scooters were 90% complete as of 1 January 1955.

3. Production of a number of other types of diesel engines is scheduled for 1955. These include:
S 2 DV 224
S 4 DV 224
S 6 DV 224
Grosse Kuestenfahrt
Kleine Kuestenfahrt

Preparatory work for the production of the first three types started in December 1954, in consultation with VEB Schwermaschinebau Karl Liebknecht, Magdeburg. As of 31 March 195, production had not begun.

4. The high percentage of production rejects in February 1955, which were not discovered until mid-March, caused the dismissal of the following leader personnel of the plant:
Bitschoff Labor Director
Richter Commercial Director
Freitag Head of Production
Bielke Chief Bookkeeper
Chobrugk Departmental Chief for “Cooperation”
Merker Departmental Chief for Sales
Roske Departmental Chief for Quality Control
Berger Departmental Chief for Construction
Schebel Departmental Chief for Technical Drawing Office

Further proceedings are pending.

5. The following persons were transferred to Pirna in December 1954:
Technical Director Makella
Chief Technologish Schott
Chief Dispatcher Lahme
[All other names are redacted]



a) PIan Position 9
Juno engine pistons (complete). This includes:
1 Piston barrel with wrist pin bushing and wrist pin, and distance ring.
3 Ball discs (Kugelscheiben)
1 Ball pan (Yugelpfanne)
1 Tie rod
1 Piston plate (Kolbenplatte)
b) Plan Position 11
Sub contracts were for the following factories:-
a) The crankshafts were supplied to Ludwigsfelde for finishing by VEB Golenkkurbelwellenfabrik Stadtilm in Thuringen. Design No. is similar to that of the Sleeves of Plan Position 7. After completion, they are delivered to a works in Johannistal.
b) ?
c) ?
d) VEB Schlepperwerk Brandenburg
e) “ “
f) VEB Schumann und Co., Armaturen und Apparatebau, Leipzig
g) VEB Messgerate und Armaturenwerk “Karl Marx” Madgeburg.
h) VEB Waggon-und Strassenbahnreparatur Berlin-Johannistal.

[Redacted] Comments:
1. The degree of disorganization and the high percentage of rejects within the factory made it particularly difficult to obtain any accurate picture pf actual production. Cross-checking between Production card index of the factory, and the factory’s own monthly and quarterly reports has, we believe, produced as true an account as possible.
2. The difference of 23 in the actual production figures for Juno engine cylinders (Plan position 6) between the quarterly and monthly reports is probably due to the discovery of further reports is probably due to the discovery of further rejects.

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