Saturday 27 October 2018

1953 CIA Report on Automobile Production in East Germany 1951-52

Central Intelligence Agency Information Report
Classification: Secret
Report number: [Redacted] 25X1
Country: East Germany
Date Distributed 30 January 1953
Subject: Automobile Production in East Germany 1951-1952
Number of pages: 2
Place Acquired: [Redacted]
Date of Info: [Redacted]

This is unevaluated Information

Introduction is redacted

1. In 1945 many of the East German automobile factories were dismantled, with the exception of the BMW Plant at Eisenach and Fitchel and Sachs at Reichenbach. Only in 1948 did limited production begin again in rebuilt factories.

2. Plan and production figures for 1951 to 1952:
Quota 1951 Production 1951 Quota 1952 Production 1952
Cars 12,100 11,863 16,370 7,835
Trucks 6,338 5,021 7,285 3,581
Tractors 5,900 4,836 7,267 3,721

3. The most important producers in East Germany in the fall of 1952 are:

a. IFA Factory Horch, Zwickau, with a work force of 4,200. Produces three ton trucks, type H3A, with water-cooled four-cycle Diesel engines of 85 hp., about 150 per month; six and one-half ton trucks; five-ton heavy trailer towers; Diesel engines.

b. IFA Factory Audi, Zwickau, with a work force of 2,000. Produces DKW F 9 cars, three cylinder, 28 hp., about 600 per month.

c. IFA Motorenwerk, Chemnitz, with a work force of 2,200. Produces motors and chassis.

d. IFA Motorradwerk DKW, Zschopau, with a work force of 2,600. Produces motorcycles type RT 125; motors.

e. IFA Factory Phanomen, Zittau, with a work force of 1,800. Produces two-ton fast trucks, type Granit 32, with an air-cooled four-cylinder Diesel engine, 52 hp., about 250 monthly.

f. IFA Framo Factory, Hainichen, with a work force of 1,800. Produces ¾-ton Framo trucks, type V 501 with gasoline engines, about 125 monthly.

g. IFA Schlepperwerk, Brandenburg, with a work force of 1,460. Produces Aktivist tractors with a two-cylinder V Diesel motor, 28 hp.; same [ ] with a generator gas motor, 25 hp.

h. IFA Schlepperwerk, Schonebeck, with a work force of 1,500. Produces Aktivist tractors as above; also “Pionier” tractors with a four-cylinder Diesel motor, 40 hp.

i. IFA Schlepperwerk, Nordhausen, with a work force of 1,400. Produces “Pionier” tractors as above.
j. IFA Karosseriewerk, Meerane, with a work force of 1,200. Produces cars and bodies.

k. Avtovelo Car Factory, Eisenach (formerly BMW), with a work force of 4,000. Produces cars of type BMW 340, 55 hp. (a development of the 45 hp. BMW-321), about 600 per month; cars of type BMW 327, 80 hp. sports car and 130 hp. racing cars to special order; motorcycles type BMW R 35, of 350 ccm, about 400 monthly.

l. Fitchel and Sachs, Reichenbach, with a work force of 2,000. Produces light motorcycles of the Fitchel and Sachs type 98 ccm.
m. Simson Werk, Suttof Suhl, unknown work force, produces motorcycles.

4. The auto industry suffers from a constant shortage of materials, and for this reason is continually working below capacity. The same shortage accounts for the poor quality of much of the production. Magnetos, spark-plugs, injection pumps for Diesel motors are particularly scarce. The quality is average. There is a particular shortage of lead plates for batteries; the supply usually being about 50 percent of the requirements.

1/ [Redacted] Comment: Bayrische Motoren-Werke A.G.


CIA Report 1947 Automobile Production:

CIA Report 1953 VEB Eisenach:

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