Sunday, 8 December 2024

1953 CIA Information Report - Enlargement of Motorenwerk Horch-Zwickau

Central Intelligence Agency
Country: Germany (Russian Zone)
Date: 27 March 1953
Subject: Enlargement of Motorenwerk Horch-Zwickau
Pages: 1

[Introduction redacted]

1. The Horch-Zwickau works were considerably enlarged in 1952. Before that, the works manufactured motor truck engines only; now it is also able to manufacture Diesel engines as well. In 1952 the total number of engines manufactured was 1,053, of which 806 were of the H3A type and the rest H5A.

2. Horch-Zwickau delivers engines to all automot1ve works in the Soviet Zone. The production quota for the first quarter of 1953 was 428 engines, and for the second quarter it was 460. However, the actual production for the half-year was only 622 engines. The chief responsibility goes back to the deliverers of material who failed to keep their commitments. There were especial shortages of Diesel injection pumps and crankshafts. In the last half of 1953 production has increased considerably, although falling short of the prescribed quota.

3. New departments have been established for the manufacture of passenger car engines for the IFA F9, and for a new two-cylinder IFA motorcycle. The latter is a 343 cm two-stroke boxer engine. Horch-Zwickau only casts the housings for the crankshafts and cylinders (cylinder block) for these engines. To date, 66 have been manufactured. These eng1nes are to be built at Zwickau only until fac1lities for their complete production become available at Chemnitz in the former DKW Motorradwerk. Thirteen IFA F9 engines were also manufactured in August 1953

4. Spare parts to the value of 1,052,000 marks were manufactured in 1952. They were sent mainly to the Soviet Union. The Volkspolizei, VEB plants and machine shops got spare parts only when damaged used ones were turned in. Deliveries promised to the Deutsche Handelszentrale for 1953 have not been fulfilled, chiefly because of the increased deliveries made to the Volkspolizei.

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