Saturday 28 July 2018

1964 DKWV Journal Volume One

It's 1964 and Auto-Union's official owners magazines have been retired in favour of a new DKW Owners Club magazine. This magazine envisages a greater input from the various DKW clubs across Germany.


Dear reader.

The above title is both a wish and an obligation for us. You, our readers, whose trust we always want to retain in the future, are leafing through the first number of the DKWV-JOURNAL today - certainly a little curious, perhaps benevolently, here and there possibly failing to give your agreement.

The first issue that we present to you today is not an "attempt at a textbook." We think we can say that with justification. About many things, printed here in black and white, we racked our brains for a long time. And it wasn't clear from the beginning that there was complete agreement when it came to the topics of the articles, their titles, or other contributions. The result of our work now belongs to the DKW Club members. We believe that this will work

Nevertheless, we do not take the position that this or that could not be made even better.

You, dear reader, will have noticed at least from the above what we are getting at. The DKWV-JOURNAL will always be lively and worth reading whenever any member of the large DKW family is involved in it. Please give us your ideas and suggestions and - where you deem it necessary - do not spare criticism.

Tell us your opinion bluntly, possibly even as a letter to the editor, which we will then print in a regular column. In our editorial office we do not sit with mimosas. We are used to standing and answering questions, without hesitation.

A lively and readable textbook - that is, as I said, our plan.

We will achieve it if we try to stay up to date. We will achieve it if we bring something for every DKW driver, regardless. whether he loves sporting events or social gatherings. We will achieve this by reporting regularly on the clubs' plans, as a reminiscence for those who were there, as a suggestion, and for planning similar ventures. It's always interesting to see a preview of the current events calendar of the motoring unions and DKW Clubs. More and more drivers, now with the newly donated DKWV sports badge, are happy to report their participation in events for related clubs. You can make arrangements in good time and you are not likely to be seen as guests.

Whatever will be in the future, the motto "lively and worth reading" should remain. Realizing it shouldn't be too difficult if every DKW friend considers it his own guiding principle from time to time.

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