Saturday, 15 March 2025

1934 DKW SB350 Motorcycle Restoration Video Series

This is a series of movies by Wedvik Mekaniske following the engine restoration process of a DKW SB 350 1934. The motorcycle was found in a shed, totally dismantled after being started on a restoration process decades ago. The bikes origin is around Femunden in Norway and the bike was probably barely used for transportation purposes. There was very bad infrastructure and barely no roads around Lake Femunden in the 40`s and 50`s and the bike shows evidence of being used in the forest on bad roads. Quite common for woodsmen to use motorcycels for "easy" transportation to work. The bikes life cycle is now ended and the DKW is again back to the same family where it was new. I`m doing the rebuild of the engine and the owner is doing the complete restoration of the bike. The last episode in this series of videos will be with the finished running bike. Hopefully on the nicest DKW´s there is!

Part 1: Dismantle and measuring of piston, piston rings and cylinder

Part 2 - Vapor blasting of head and piston

Part 3: cylinder honing and lacqueringPart 4: carburetor restoration

Part 4: carburetor restoration

Part 5: Nickelplating / Electroplating of bolts and nuts

Part 6: Engine teardown / disassemble

Part 7: Blackening of bolts using engine oil

Part 8: Crankshaft truing

Part 9: Gearbox restoration

Part 10: Cork Clutch rebuild

Part 11: Mounting of crankshaft and cases, measuring of crankshaft sideplay

Part 12: finishing the primary with clutch install and measuring of gear backlash

Part 13: Deburring cylinder ports and adjusting piston rings before mounting

Part 14: Installing electronic ignition and setting the timing - machining needed!

Part 15: Brass casting of new exhaust port cap

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