Monday, 28 August 2017

1953 Auto-Union Illustrated Magazine

1953 and DKW use the Auto-Union Illustrated magazine to unveil their new model - the F91. The old model, the F89 is still the star of the magazine however.

The new factory at Ingolstadt

From toy to world beating engine

Pictures of the production facilities at Ingolstadt

DKW's pioneering technology

DKW front wheel drive

DKW's 'schwebe' floating axle and safe braking

Interior fittings

Schematic for the Meisterklasse

The new Meisterklasse four gear model. German customers originally had to make do with the older three gear gearbox while the four gear gearbox was used exclusively for export.

Introducing the new F91 Sonderklasse with 3 cylinder two-stoke engine

DKW Schnellaster

DKW motorbikes

DKW service everywhere!

DKW Racing