Somewhere along the restoration journey my original carburetor disappeared. Undoubtedly it is in my garage in the bottom of a box some place. I'm sure it will appear the moment that I complete this project. Fortunately I had a spare carburetor body in my spares, but it was missing several important parts - most importantly the flange that mounts the carburetor to the engine. This part is unique to the F89P. I managed to obtain one from Germany (thank you Dirk!) late last year and it was consigned to the post.

As always seems to happen when you have a super critical part arriving in the post - the postman arrives when you're out. Except I wasn't out! I was home all day and left my front door open so that the postman could see I was home, but...no. Our normal postman is very good and he often stops for a quick chat, but some of the parcel post guys would rather slip a 'missed you' note in your letterbox, whether you're home or not, and do a runner. Sadly for me, the post office they dropped it off at had limited hours so I couldn't pick the flange up until the following week.

Nearly eight weeks waiting for this!

This is how it mounts to the engine.

And now the carburetor can be fixed to the engine.

But then I encounter 'mystery'. I wasn't sure how this was supposed to attach to the accelerator rod (on the right). It looked to me like it didn't belong.

A quick check of the owner manual reveals that this part doesn't belong on the carburetor.

Okay, so now it's fixed.
Panel Cleanup

The interior panels of the engine bay were a bit messy so I stripped down of their old paint and bitumen and repainted them in light green primer and bitumen black.

Much better looking now.

The interior of the wheel arches were very grubby too. When cleaning these up you could see that the sound deadening spray from the factory was very hit and miss. The black areas in the above photo are covered in the original bitumen deadener, but the light rusty areas are untouched and have consequently rusted.

The new bitumen paint will protect the underside for another 70 years.

I'm leaving the exterior paintwork 'as is.' The next step is the electrics. I have an auto electrician lined up to come and help me out in February.
Part needed!

My vorshaldampfer (resonator box) is irreparable. I am on the look out for a replacement.

Does anyone know what is inside these?
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