The major issue holding me back was the rust in the footwell and sills. The rust was pretty bad so I really wanted this fixed before I did anything else. I had several people check out the car and quote on the repairs. There was a lot of interest but the challenge is getting a spot in their schedule. There is so much work out there that good panel beaters have their pick of jobs.

After nearly nine months waiting, my slot finally opened up.

As you can see, the front floor is in bad shape. The front floor has been replaced in the past, but this metal is rotten. Each side of the floor is also rotten.

The sills have been fibreglassed over.

When I bought the car the wheel arches had been slathered in mastic to cover the rust and repairs. This was all scraped off at the dockside as part of the asbestos removal.

When fully cleaned up the quality of this 'repair' is fully exposed. This metal plate was tack welded over the rust holes.

The rust holes exposed

Cut out

Some of the new repairs.

Slowly coming together.

More of the rust cut out.

With all the rusted panels cut out and new metal going in.

Test fitting the new floor panels.

The side of the new floor

The underside as it was.

With new sills installed.

The underside

New sills

All the electrics need to be replaced. The wiring is shot.

I have organized a refurbished crankshaft. The engine needs a full rebuild.

The radiator is removed. It seems in good condition.

I gave a flush and tested it for leaks. Seems good.

The cooling shroud and electric fan.

The heater shrouds were in pretty rough condition so I have stripped and sanded them down.

After cleaning and painting.